Source: transpayrent-ui-helper.js

 * @copyright Transpayrent ApS 2022
 * @license Common Transpayrent API license
 * @version 1.2.0
 * @class
 * @classdesc   The Transpayrent UI Helper SDK simplifies completion of the entire payment process into the following 3 steps:
 *  1) Override UI Helper SDK methods to return the correct request for the specified payment method:
 *      * [Create Payment Transaction]{@link TranspayrentUIHelper#getCreateTransactionRequest}
 *      * [Initialize Payment]{@link TranspayrentUIHelper#getInitializePaymentRequest}
 *      * [Authenticate Consumer]{@link TranspayrentUIHelper#getAuthenticateConsumerRequest}
 *      * [Authorize Payment]{@link TranspayrentUIHelper#getAuthorizePaymentRequest}
 *      * [Save]{@link TranspayrentUIHelper#getSaveRequest}
 *  2) Construct requests for each operation: createTransaction, initialize, authenticate, authorize and save
 *  3) Call the [Complete the Payment using the Transpayrent UI Helper SDK]{@link TranspayrentUIHelper#completePayment}
 * @see [TranspayrentUIHelper]{@link TranspayrentUIHelper}
 * @see {@link TranspayrentUIHelper#getCreateTransactionRequest}
 * @see {@link TranspayrentUIHelper#getInitializePaymentRequest}
 * @see {@link TranspayrentUIHelper#getAuthenticateConsumerRequest}
 * @see {@link TranspayrentUIHelper#getAuthenticateConsumerRequest}
 * @see {@link TranspayrentUIHelper#getAuthorizePaymentRequest}
 * @see {@link TranspayrentUIHelper#getSaveRequest}
 * @see {@link TranspayrentUIHelper#displayStatusMessage}
 * @see {@link TranspayrentUIHelper#displayAuthenticationFailure}
 * @see {@link TranspayrentUIHelper#displayPaymentConfirmation}
 * @constructor
 * @description Creates a new instance of the Transpayrent UI Helper SDK, which uses the Transpayrent SDK internally to handle the secure communication with Transpayrent's Payment Gateway.
 * @example <caption>Instantiate the Transpayrent SDK and Transpayrent UI Helper SDK</caption>
 *  <script src="[ENVIRONMENT]"></script>
 *  <script src="[ENVIRONMENT]"></script>
 *  <script>
 *      // Override UI Helper SDK methods to return the correct request for the specified payment method
 *      TranspayrentUIHelper.prototype.getCreateTransactionRequest = function (paymentMethodId) {
 *          return createTransactionRequests[paymentMethodId];
 *      }
 *      TranspayrentUIHelper.prototype.getInitializePaymentRequest = function (paymentMethodId) {
 *           return initializePaymentRequests[paymentMethodId];
 *      }
 *      TranspayrentUIHelper.prototype.getAuthenticateConsumerRequest = function (paymentMethodId) {
 *          return authenticateConsumerRequests[paymentMethodId];
 *      }
 *      TranspayrentUIHelper.prototype.getAuthorizePaymentRequest = function (paymentMethodId) {
 *          return authorizePaymentRequests[paymentMethodId];
 *      }
 *      TranspayrentUIHelper.prototype.getSaveRequest = function (paymentMethodId) {
 *          return saveRequests[paymentMethodId];
 *      }
 *      // SDK configuration
 *      const transpayrentConfig = {
 *          sessionId: [ID IN THE RESPONSE FROM "Create Payment Session"],
 *          accessToken: '[x-transpayrent-access-token HTTP HEADER IN THE RESPONSE FROM "Create Payment Session"]'
 *      };
 *      const url = 'https://generator.[ENVIRONMENT]'+ transpayrentConfig.merchantId +'/system/PAYMENT_GATEWAY/sdk/CLIENT';
 *      // Instantiate SDK and UI Helper SDK
 *      const sdk = new Transpayrent(url, transpayrentConfig);
 *      const helper = new TranspayrentUIHelper(sdk, document.getElementById('container'), document.getElementById('loader') );
 *      // Construct requests for each operation: createTransaction, initialize, authenticate, authorize and save
 *      var card = { card_number: 4111111111111111,     // Successful Authorization: Manual Challenge with browser fingerprint
 *                   expiry_month: 9,
 *                   expiry_year: 22,
 *                   cvv: 987,
 *                   card_holder_name: 'John Doe',
 *                   save: true };
 *      card.payment_method_id = sdk.getPaymentMethodId(card.card_number);
 *      var address = { street : 'Arne Jacobsens Allé 7',
 *                      appartment : '5. sal',
 *                      city : 'Copenhagen S',
 *                      postal_code : '2300',
 *                      state : '82',
 *                      country: 208 };                 // Denmark
 *      var phone = { international_dialing_code: 45,   // Denmark
 *                    phone_number: 89671108 };
 *      var email = '';
 *      var createTransactionRequests = new Array();
 *      // Card based payment
 *      createTransactionRequests[card.payment_method_id] = { correlation_id : 'TP-'+ transpayrentConfig.sessionId,
 *                                                            amount: { currency : 208,          // DKK
 *                                                                      value : ? 0 : 100 } };
 *      // Transpayrent - Consumer Wallet
 *      createTransactionRequests[201] = { correlation_id : 'TP-'+ transpayrentConfig.sessionId,
 *                                         amount: { currency : 208,          // DKK
 *                                                   value : 100 } };
 *      // MobilePay Online
 *      createTransactionRequests[202] = { correlation_id : 'TP-'+ transpayrentConfig.sessionId,
 *                                         amount: { currency : 208,          // DKK
 *                                                   value : 100 } };
 *      var initializePaymentRequests = new Array();
 *      // Card based payment
 *      initializePaymentRequests[card.payment_method_id] = { payment_method_id : card.payment_method_id }
 *      // Consumer Wallet
 *      initializePaymentRequests[201] = { payment_method_id : 201 }
 *      // MobilePay Online
 *      initializePaymentRequests[202] = { payment_method_id : 202,
 *                                         mobile : phone,
 *                                         save : false };
 *      var authenticateConsumerRequests = new Array();
 *      // Card based payment
 *      authenticateConsumerRequests[card.payment_method_id] = { payment_details : card,
 *                                                               billing_address : address,
 *                                                               shipping_address : address,
 *                                                               contact : { mobile : phone,
 *                                                                           work : phone,
 *                                                                           home : phone,
 *                                                                           email : email } };
 *      var authorizePaymentRequests = new Array();
 *      // Card based payment
 *      authorizePaymentRequests[card.payment_method_id] = { payment_details : card };
 *      // Consumer Wallet
 *      authorizePaymentRequests[201] = { payment_details : { payment_method_id : 201,
 *                                                            valuable_id : [VALUEABLE ID IN THE RESPONSE FROM "Create Payment Session"],
 *                                                            access_token : '[MERCHANT'S SINGLE SIGN-ON TOKEN FOR AUTHORIZING A PAYMENT WITH THE CONSUMER'S WALLET]' } };
 *      // MobilePay Online
 *      authorizePaymentRequests[202] = { payment_details : { payment_method_id : 202 } };
 *      var saveRequest = { payment_details : card,
 *                          consumer_id : '[MERCHANT'S CONSUMER ID FROM PAYMENT SESSION]',
 *                          name : "My VISA Card" }
 *      // Complete the payment using the UI Helper SDK
 *      var paymentMethodId = 201;  // Consumer Wallet
 *      helper.completePayment(paymentMethodId,;
 *  </script>
 * @param {Transpayrent} sdk    The instance of the Transpayrent SDK, which will be used by the UI Helper
 * @param {Element} container   The container element in which the constructed iframe for initializing a payment with a 3rd party wallet such as MobilePay or authenticating the consumer using 3D Secure will be displayed. Defaults to `document.body`.
 * @param {Element} loader      The loading indicator element
function TranspayrentUIHelper(sdk, container, loader) {
     * The instance of the Transpayrent SDK, which will be used by the UI Helper
     * @private
     * @type {Transpayrent}
    this._sdk = sdk;
     * The container element in which the constructed iframe for initializing a payment with a 3rd party wallet such as MobilePay or authenticating the consumer using 3D Secure will be displayed. Defaults to `document.body`.
     * @private
     * @type {Element}
    this._container = container;
     * The loading indicator element
     * @private
     * @type {Element}
    this._loader = loader;
    /* ========== COMMON METHODS START ========== */
     * A representation of the configuration for completing the consumer's payment
     * @property {boolean} disable_authentication   Boolean flag specifying whether Strong Consumer Authentication (SCA) should be disabled.
     *                                              Explicitly disabling SCA is useful for Mail Order / Telephone Order (MOTO) transactions.
     * @typedef {Object} Configuration
     * Completes the consumer's payment by executing the following steps:
     *  1) Create a payment transaction with the specified payment method
     *  2) Initialize the payment for the specified payment method
     *  3) Complete Strong Consumer Authentication (SCA) using 3D Secure if applicable
     *  4) Authorize the payment for the payment transaction using the specified payment method
     * @see {@link Transpayrent#createTransaction}
     * @see {@link Transpayrent#initialize}
     * @see {@link Transpayrent#authenticate}
     * @see {@link Transpayrent#authorize}
     * @see {@link Transpayrent#save}
     * @see {@link TranspayrentUIHelper#displayStatusMessage}
     * @see {@link TranspayrentUIHelper#displayAuthenticationFailure}
     * @see {@link TranspayrentUIHelper#displayPaymentConfirmation}
     * @see {@link TranspayrentUIHelper#getCreateTransactionRequest}
     * @see {@link TranspayrentUIHelper#getInitializePaymentRequest}
     * @see {@link TranspayrentUIHelper#getAuthenticateConsumerRequest}
     * @see {@link TranspayrentUIHelper#getAuthorizePaymentRequest}
     * @see {@link TranspayrentUIHelper#getSaveRequest}
     * @see {@link TranspayrentUIHelper#getIFrameConfig}
     * @param {PAYMENT_METHOD_ID} paymentMethodId   The payment method selected by the consumer
     * @param {boolean} save                        Boolean flag indicating whether the payment details for the specified payment method will be saved
     * @param {Configuration} config                Configuration for completing the consumer's payment
    TranspayrentUIHelper.prototype.completePayment = function (paymentMethodId, save, config) {
        if (save == null) {
            save = this.getInitializePaymentRequest(paymentMethodId).save;
        config = Object.assign({ disable_authentication : false },
        if (this._container) {
   = 'visible';
        var request = this.getCreateTransactionRequest(paymentMethodId);
        var token = null;
        const amount = request.amount;
        this._sdk.createTransaction(paymentMethodId, request)
                transaction => {
                    // Creation of Payment Transaction failed - Display status message
                    if (transaction.status) {
                        return Promise.reject(null);
                    else {
                        var cfg = this.getIFrameConfig('payment-initialization');
                        if (cfg.container) {
                        return this._sdk.initialize(, this.getInitializePaymentRequest(paymentMethodId), cfg);
                initialization => {
                    // Initialization of Payment Transaction failed - Display status message
                    if (initialization.status) {
                        return Promise.reject(null);
                    else {
                        // Token returned by a 3rd party wallet such as Apple Pay or Google Pay
                        if (initialization.hasOwnProperty('token') ) {
                            token = initialization.token;
                        // Redirect or App-Switch
                        if (initialization.connection && initialization.connection.action <= 2) {
                            window.location.href = initialization.connection.url;
                        // Payment Transaction is exempt from Strong Consumer Authentication (SCA) or SCA disabled
                        else if (this._sdk.isSCAExempt(paymentMethodId, amount, save) || config.disable_authentication) {
                            return Promise.resolve(initialization);
                        else {
                            request = this.getAuthenticateConsumerRequest(paymentMethodId);
                            // Perform Strong Consumer Authentication (SCA)
                            if (request) {
                                // Use token returned by a 3rd party wallet such as Google Pay for strong consumer authentication
                                if (token) {
                                    request.payment_details.token = token;
                                var cfg = this.getIFrameConfig('consumer-authentication');
                                if (cfg.container) {
                                return this._sdk.authenticate(initialization.transaction_id, request, cfg);
                            // Strong Consumer Authentication (SCA) not available for Payment Method
                            else {
                                return Promise.resolve(initialization);
                authentication => {
                    // Consumer Authentication failed
                    if (authentication.status) {
                        // Consumer Authentication failure
                        if (authentication.status == 511) {
                        // API request failed - Display status message
                        else {
                        return Promise.reject(null);
                    // Payment Transaction is exempt from Strong Consumer Authentication (SCA) or SCA disabled
                    else if (this._sdk.isSCAExempt(paymentMethodId, amount, save) || config.disable_authentication) {
                        request = this.getAuthorizePaymentRequest(paymentMethodId);
                        // Use token returned by a 3rd party wallet such as Apple Pay or Google Pay for payment authorization
                        if (token) {
                            if (request.hasOwnProperty('payment_details') ) {
                                request.payment_details.token = token;
                            else {
                                request.token = token;
                        return this._sdk.authorize(authentication.transaction_id, request);
                    // Consumer Authentication successfully completed: Save Payment Card
                    else if (save) {
                        request = this.getSaveRequest(paymentMethodId);
                        // Use token returned by a 3rd party wallet such as Apple Pay or Google Pay for payment authorization
                        if (token) {
                            request.payment_details.token = token;
                        request.payment_details.cryptogram = authentication.cryptogram;
                        return, request);
                    // Consumer Authentication successfully completed: Authorize Payment
                    else {
                        request = this.getAuthorizePaymentRequest(paymentMethodId);
                        if (request.hasOwnProperty('payment_details') ) {
                            // Use token returned by a 3rd party wallet such as Apple Pay or Google Pay for payment authorization
                            if (token) {
                                request.payment_details.token = token;
                            request.payment_details.cryptogram = authentication.cryptogram;
                        else {
                            // Use token returned by a 3rd party wallet such as Apple Pay or Google Pay for payment authorization
                            if (token) {
                                request.token = token;
                            request.cryptogram = authentication.cryptogram;
                        return this._sdk.authorize(authentication.transaction_id, request);
                authorization => {
                    // Payment Authorization failed - Display status message
                    if (authorization.status) {
                        // "Additional authentication" required
                        if (authorization.messages[0].code == 640416) {
                            request = this.getAuthenticateConsumerRequest(paymentMethodId);
                            // Perform Strong Consumer Authentication (SCA)
                            if (request) {
                                // Use token returned by a 3rd party wallet such as Google Pay for strong consumer authentication
                                if (token) {
                                    request.payment_details.token = token;
                                var cfg = this.getIFrameConfig('consumer-authentication');
                                if (cfg.container) {
                                this._sdk.authenticate(authorization.transaction_id, request, cfg)
                                    authentication => {
                                        // Consumer Authentication failed
                                        if (authentication.status) {
                                            // Consumer Authentication failure
                                            if (authentication.status == 511) {
                                            // API request failed - Display status message
                                            else {
                                            return Promise.reject(null);
                                        else {
                                            request = this.getAuthorizePaymentRequest(paymentMethodId);
                                            if (request.hasOwnProperty('payment_details') ) {
                                                // Use token returned by a 3rd party wallet such as Apple Pay or Google Pay for payment authorization
                                                if (token) {
                                                    request.payment_details.token = token;
                                                request.payment_details.cryptogram = authentication.cryptogram;
                                            else {
                                                // Use token returned by a 3rd party wallet such as Apple Pay or Google Pay for payment authorization
                                                if (token) {
                                                    request.token = token;
                                                request.cryptogram = authentication.cryptogram;
                                            this._sdk.authorize(authentication.transaction_id, request)
                                                reauth => {
                                                    // Payment Authorization failed - Display status message
                                                    if (reauth.status) {
                                                    // Payment Authorization completed - Display success message
                                                    else {
                                            .catch(reason => {
                                                // Low level error - Display error message
                                                if (reason) {
                                                    console.error(`Internal error: ${reason} ${reason.stack}`);
                                                if (this._container) {
                                           = 'hidden';
                                .catch(reason => {
                                    // Low level error - Display error message
                                    if (reason) {
                                        console.error(`Internal error: ${reason} ${reason.stack}`);
                                    if (this._container) {
                               = 'hidden';
                            else {
                        else {
                    // Payment Authorization completed - Display success message
                    else {
            .catch(reason => {
                // Low level error - Display error message
                if (reason) {
                    console.error(`Internal error: ${reason} ${reason.stack}`);
                if (this._container) {
           = 'hidden';
    /* ========== COMMON METHODS END ========== */
/* ========== CALLBACK METHODS START ========== */
 * Displays the details of a failed API request.  
 * It is strongly recommended to override this method as the default implementation will simply display an alert with the localized message.
 * @example <caption>Override displayStatusMessage</caption>
 *  TranspayrentUIHelper.prototype.displayStatusMessage = function (result) {
 *      this._sdk.getLocalizedMessage(`API: ${result.api} failed with HTTP Status Code: ${result.status} and error: ${result.messages[0].message} (${result.messages[0].code})`)
 *          .then(text => {
 *              if (this._container) {
 *         = 'hidden';
 *              }
 *              alert(text);
 *      });
 *  }
 * @see {@link Transpayrent#getLocalizedMessage}
 * @param {Status} result   The status object with a list of status message(s) returned by the Payment Gateway
TranspayrentUIHelper.prototype.displayStatusMessage = function (result) {
    this._sdk.getLocalizedMessage(`API: ${result.api} failed with HTTP Status Code: ${result.status} and error: ${result.messages[0].message} (${result.messages[0].code})`)
        .then(text => {
            if (this._container) {
       = 'hidden';
 * Displays the details of a failure during Strong Consumer Authentication (SCA).  
 * It is strongly recommended to override this method as the default implementation will simply display an alert with the localized message.
 * @example <caption>Override displayAuthenticationFailure</caption>
 *  TranspayrentUIHelper.prototype.displayAuthenticationFailure = function (result) {
 *      this._sdk.getLocalizedStatusMessage(result.status_code)
 *          .then(text => {
  *             if (this._container) {
 *         = 'hidden';
 *              }
 *              var message = document.createElement('h1');
 *              message.className = 'failure';
 *              message.innerHTML = '<img id="loader" src="/failure.png" width="30" height="30" alt="- completed -" />';
 *              message.innerHTML += ` ${text} (${result.status_code})`;
 *              document.body.appendChild(message);
 *          });
 *  }
 * @see {@link Transpayrent#getLocalizedStatusMessage}
 * @param {AuthenticationFailureResult} result  The result of a failed authentication of the consumer for a payment transaction using Strong Consumer Authentication (SCA)
TranspayrentUIHelper.prototype.displayAuthenticationFailure = function (result) {
        .then(text => {
            if (this._container) {
       = 'hidden';
            alert(`${text} (${result.status_code})`);
 * Displays the details of the successfully completed payment transaction.
 * It is strongly recommended to override this method as the default implementation will simply display an alert with the localized message.
 * @example <caption>Override displayPaymentConfirmation</caption>
 *  TranspayrentUIHelper.prototype.displayPaymentConfirmation = function (result) {
 *      this._sdk.getLocalizedMessage(`Payment transaction: ${authorization.transaction_id} successfully authorized`)
 *          .then(text => {
 *              if (this._container) {
 *         = 'hidden';
 *              }
 *              var message = document.createElement('h1');
 *              message.className = 'success';
 *              message.innerHTML = '<img id="loader" src="/success.png" width="30" height="30" alt="- completed -" />';
 *              message.innerHTML += ` ${text}`;
 *              document.body.appendChild(message);
 *          });
 *  }
 * @see {@link Transpayrent#getLocalizedMessage}
 * @param {AuthorizePaymentResponse} authorization  The details for the successful authorization of a payment transaction
TranspayrentUIHelper.prototype.displayPaymentConfirmation = function (authorization) {
    this._sdk.getLocalizedMessage(`Payment transaction: ${authorization.transaction_id} successfully authorized`)
        .then(text => {
            if (this._container) {
       = 'hidden';
 * Returns a representation of the consumer's payment transaction. 
 * @see {@link Transpayrent#createTransaction}
 * @param {PAYMENT_METHOD_ID} paymentMethodId   The payment method selected by the consumer
 * @returns {CreatePaymentTransactionRequest}   A representation of the consumer's payment transaction.
TranspayrentUIHelper.prototype.getCreateTransactionRequest = function (paymentMethodId) {
    console.error(`Method: getCreateTransactionRequest not overriden`);
    return null;
 * Returns a representation of the initialization details provided by the consumer the selected payment method
 * @see {@link Transpayrent#initialize}
 * @param {PAYMENT_METHOD_ID} paymentMethodId   The payment method selected by the consumer
 * @returns {InitializationDetails}             A representation of the initialization details provided by the consumer the selected payment method
TranspayrentUIHelper.prototype.getInitializePaymentRequest = function (paymentMethodId) {
    console.error(`Method: getInitializePaymentRequest not overriden`);
    return null;
 * Returns a representation of the entered payment details required for strong authentication of a payment transaction using 3D Secure or equivalent.
 * @see {@link Transpayrent#authenticate}
 * @param {PAYMENT_METHOD_ID} paymentMethodId   The payment method selected by the consumer
 * @returns {AuthenticateConsumerRequest}       A representation of the entered payment details required for strong authentication of a payment transaction using 3D Secure or equivalent.
 *                                              Please note that the `browser` property will be constructed automatically.
TranspayrentUIHelper.prototype.getAuthenticateConsumerRequest = function (paymentMethodId) {
    console.error(`Method: getAuthenticateConsumerRequest not overriden`);
    return null;
 * Returns a representation of a payment details (card details, wallet details, voucher details etc.), which will be used to authorize the payment for the payment transaction
 * @see {@link Transpayrent#authorize}
 * @param {PAYMENT_METHOD_ID} paymentMethodId   The payment method selected by the consumer
 * @returns {PaymentDetails}                    A representation of a payment details (card details, wallet details, voucher details etc.), which will be used to authorize the payment for the payment transaction
TranspayrentUIHelper.prototype.getAuthorizePaymentRequest = function (paymentMethodId) {
    console.error(`Method: getAuthorizePaymentRequest not overriden`);
    return null;
 * Returns the payment details for the payment card which will be securely stored in Transpayrent's Secure Valut and added to the consumer's wallet
 * @see {@link Transpayrent#save}
 * @param {PAYMENT_METHOD_ID} paymentMethodId   The payment method selected by the consumer
 * @returns {SaveConsumerValuableRequest}       The payment details for the payment card which will be securely stored in Transpayrent's Secure Valut and added to the consumer's wallet
TranspayrentUIHelper.prototype.getSaveRequest = function (paymentMethodId) {
    console.error(`Method: getSaveRequest not overriden`);
    return null;
 * Returns the configuration for the iframe element which is used when initializing the payment through a 3rd party wallet such as MobilePay
 * or displaying the authentication challenge during a 3D Secure flow.  
 * The default implementation will apply a CSS class with the name of the action: `consumer-authentication` or `payment-initialization` to the constructed iframe.
 * @see {@link Transpayrent#displayChallenge}
 * @see {@link Transpayrent#displayPaymentInitialization}
 * @param {String} action   The action for which the iframe will be constructed, may be one of:  
 *                              - `consumer-authentication`  
 *                              - `payment-initialization`  
 * @returns {IFrameConfig} The configuration for the iframe element which is used when initializing the payment through a 3rd party wallet such as MobilePay or displaying the authentication challenge
TranspayrentUIHelper.prototype.getIFrameConfig = function (action) {
    const loader = this._loader;
    var config = { container : this._container,
                   css: action,
                   callback : function (event, iframe) {
                       switch (event) {
                           case 'payment-initialization-initiated':
                           case 'authentication-challenge-initiated':
                               if (loader) {
                          = 'hidden';
                           case 'payment-initialization-completed':                                    
                           case 'authentication-challenge-completed':
                               if (loader) {
                          = 'inherit';
                               console.warn(`Unsupported event: ${event}`);
                   } };
    return config;
/* ========== CALLBACK METHODS END ========== */